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Words Containing Alcoholic

Results: 8

Definition of alcoholic

  • a. - Of or pertaining to alcohol, or partaking of its qualities; derived from, or caused by, alcohol; containing alcohol; as, alcoholic mixtures; alcoholic gastritis; alcoholic odor.
  • n. - A person given to the use of alcoholic liquors.
  • n. - Alcoholic liquors.
  • a. - Of or pertaining to alcohol, or partaking of its qualities; derived from, or caused by, alcohol; containing alcohol; as, alcoholic mixtures; alcoholic gastritis; alcoholic odor.
  • n. - A person given to the use of alcoholic liquors.
  • n. - Alcoholic liquors.

Syllable Information

The word alcoholic is a 9 letter word that has 4 syllable 's . The syllable division for alcoholic is: al-co-hol-ic

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