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Words Containing Assignation

Results: 3

Definition of assignation

  • n. - The act of assigning or allotting; apportionment.
  • n. - An appointment of time and place for meeting or interview; -- used chiefly of love interviews, and now commonly in a bad sense.
  • n. - A making over by transfer of title; assignment.
  • n. - The act of assigning or allotting; apportionment.
  • n. - An appointment of time and place for meeting or interview; -- used chiefly of love interviews, and now commonly in a bad sense.
  • n. - A making over by transfer of title; assignment.

Syllable Information

The word assignation is a 11 letter word that has 4 syllable 's . The syllable division for assignation is: as-sig-na-tion

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