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Words Containing Barony

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Definition of barony

  • n. - The fee or domain of a baron; the lordship, dignity, or rank of a baron.
  • n. - In Ireland, a territorial division, corresponding nearly to the English hundred, and supposed to have been originally the district of a native chief. There are 252 of these baronies. In Scotland, an extensive freehold. It may be held by a commoner.
  • n. - The fee or domain of a baron; the lordship, dignity, or rank of a baron.
  • n. - In Ireland, a territorial division, corresponding nearly to the English hundred, and supposed to have been originally the district of a native chief. There are 252 of these baronies. In Scotland, an extensive freehold. It may be held by a commoner.

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Syllable Information

The word barony is a 6 letter word that has 3 syllable 's . The syllable division for barony is: bar-o-ny

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