Anagram Generator

Words Containing Bonus

Results: 2

Definition of bonus

  • n. - A premium given for a loan, or for a charter or other privilege granted to a company; as the bank paid a bonus for its charter.
  • n. - An extra dividend to the shareholders of a joint stock company, out of accumulated profits.
  • n. - Money paid in addition to a stated compensation.
  • n. - A premium given for a loan, or for a charter or other privilege granted to a company; as the bank paid a bonus for its charter.
  • n. - An extra dividend to the shareholders of a joint stock company, out of accumulated profits.
  • n. - Money paid in addition to a stated compensation.

Syllable Information

The word bonus is a 5 letter word that has 2 syllable 's . The syllable division for bonus is: bo-nus

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