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Words Containing Calibre

Results: 3

Definition of calibre

  • n. - The diameter of the bore, as a cannon or other firearm, or of any tube; or the weight or size of the projectile which a firearm will carry; as, an 8 inch gun, a 12-pounder, a 44 caliber.
  • n. - The diameter of round or cylindrical body, as of a bullet or column.
  • n. - Fig.: Capacity or compass of mind.
  • n. - The diameter of the bore, as a cannon or other firearm, or of any tube; or the weight or size of the projectile which a firearm will carry; as, an 8 inch gun, a 12-pounder, a 44 caliber.
  • n. - The diameter of round or cylindrical body, as of a bullet or column.
  • n. - Fig.: Capacity or compass of mind.

Syllable Information

The word calibre is a 7 letter word that has 3 syllable 's . The syllable division for calibre is: cal-i-bre

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