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Words Containing Surcharge

Results: 6

Definition of surcharge

  • v. t. - To overload; to overburden; to overmatch; to overcharge; as, to surcharge a beast or a ship; to surcharge a cannon.
  • v. t. - To overstock; especially, to put more cattle into, as a common, than the person has a right to do, or more than the herbage will sustain. Blackstone.
  • v. t. - To show an omission in (an account) for which credit ought to have been given.
  • n. - An overcharge; an excessive load or burden; a load greater than can well be borne.
  • n. - The putting, by a commoner, of more beasts on the common than he has a right to.
  • n. - The showing an omission, as in an account, for which credit ought to have been given.

Syllable Information

The word surcharge is a 9 letter word that has 2 syllable 's . The syllable division for surcharge is: sur-charge

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