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Ending with Acrostic

Results: 2

Definition of acrostic

  • n. - A composition, usually in verse, in which the first or the last letters of the lines, or certain other letters, taken in order, form a name, word, phrase, or motto.
  • n. - A Hebrew poem in which the lines or stanzas begin with the letters of the alphabet in regular order (as Psalm cxix.). See Abecedarian.
  • n. - Alt. of Acrostical
  • n. - A composition, usually in verse, in which the first or the last letters of the lines, or certain other letters, taken in order, form a name, word, phrase, or motto.
  • n. - A Hebrew poem in which the lines or stanzas begin with the letters of the alphabet in regular order (as Psalm cxix.). See Abecedarian.
  • n. - Alt. of Acrostical

Syllable Information

The word acrostic is a 8 letter word that has 3 syllable 's . The syllable division for acrostic is: a-cros-tic

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