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Ending with Albumin

Results: 14

Definition of albumin

  • n. - A thick, viscous nitrogenous substance, which is the chief and characteristic constituent of white of eggs and of the serum of blood, and is found in other animal substances, both fluid and solid, also in many plants. It is soluble in water and is coagulated by heat and by certain chemical reagents.
  • n. - A thick, viscous nitrogenous substance, which is the chief and characteristic constituent of white of eggs and of the serum of blood, and is found in other animal substances, both fluid and solid, also in many plants. It is soluble in water and is coagulated by heat and by certain chemical reagents.

Syllable Information

The word albumin is a 7 letter word that has 3 syllable 's . The syllable division for albumin is: al-bu-min

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