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Ending with Ambitious

Results: 6

Definition of ambitious

  • a. - Possessing, or controlled by, ambition; greatly or inordinately desirous of power, honor, office, superiority, or distinction.
  • a. - Strongly desirous; -- followed by of or the infinitive; as, ambitious to be or to do something.
  • a. - Springing from, characterized by, or indicating, ambition; showy; aspiring; as, an ambitious style.
  • a. - Possessing, or controlled by, ambition; greatly or inordinately desirous of power, honor, office, superiority, or distinction.
  • a. - Strongly desirous; -- followed by of or the infinitive; as, ambitious to be or to do something.
  • a. - Springing from, characterized by, or indicating, ambition; showy; aspiring; as, an ambitious style.

Syllable Information

The word ambitious is a 9 letter word that has 3 syllable 's . The syllable division for ambitious is: am-bi-tious

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