Ending with Apple
Results: 22
Definition of apple
- n. - The fleshy pome or fruit of a rosaceous tree (Pyrus malus)
cultivated in numberless varieties in the temperate zones.
- n. - Any tree genus Pyrus which has the stalk sunken into the
base of the fruit; an apple tree.
- n. - Any fruit or other vegetable production resembling, or
supposed to resemble, the apple; as, apple of love, or love apple (a
tomato), balsam apple, egg apple, oak apple.
- n. - Anything round like an apple; as, an apple of gold.
- v. i. - To grow like an apple; to bear apples.
- n. - The fleshy pome or fruit of a rosaceous tree (Pyrus malus)
cultivated in numberless varieties in the temperate zones.
- n. - Any tree genus Pyrus which has the stalk sunken into the
base of the fruit; an apple tree.
- n. - Any fruit or other vegetable production resembling, or
supposed to resemble, the apple; as, apple of love, or love apple (a
tomato), balsam apple, egg apple, oak apple.
- n. - Anything round like an apple; as, an apple of gold.
- v. i. - To grow like an apple; to bear apples.
Syllable Information
The word apple is a 5 letter word that has 2 syllable 's . The syllable division for apple is: ap-ple