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Ending with Aptitude

Results: 5

Definition of aptitude

  • n. - A natural or acquired disposition or capacity for a particular purpose, or tendency to a particular action or effect; as, oil has an aptitude to burn.
  • n. - A general fitness or suitableness; adaptation.
  • n. - Readiness in learning; docility; aptness.
  • n. - A natural or acquired disposition or capacity for a particular purpose, or tendency to a particular action or effect; as, oil has an aptitude to burn.
  • n. - A general fitness or suitableness; adaptation.
  • n. - Readiness in learning; docility; aptness.

Syllable Information

The word aptitude is a 8 letter word that has 3 syllable 's . The syllable division for aptitude is: ap-ti-tude

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