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Ending with Assort

Results: 1

Definition of assort

  • v. t. - To separate and distribute into classes, as things of a like kind, nature, or quality, or which are suited to a like purpose; to classify; as, to assort goods. [Rarely applied to persons.]
  • v. t. - To furnish with, or make up of, various sorts or a variety of goods; as, to assort a cargo.
  • v. i. - To agree; to be in accordance; to be adapted; to suit; to fall into a class or place.
  • v. t. - To separate and distribute into classes, as things of a like kind, nature, or quality, or which are suited to a like purpose; to classify; as, to assort goods. [Rarely applied to persons.]
  • v. t. - To furnish with, or make up of, various sorts or a variety of goods; as, to assort a cargo.
  • v. i. - To agree; to be in accordance; to be adapted; to suit; to fall into a class or place.

Syllable Information

The word assort is a 6 letter word that has 2 syllable 's . The syllable division for assort is: as-sort

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