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Ending with Atonement

Results: 2

Definition of atonement

  • n. - Reconciliation; restoration of friendly relations; agreement; concord.
  • n. - Satisfaction or reparation made by giving an equivalent for an injury, or by doing of suffering that which will be received in satisfaction for an offense or injury; expiation; amends; -- with for. Specifically, in theology: The expiation of sin made by the obedience, personal suffering, and death of Christ.
  • n. - Reconciliation; restoration of friendly relations; agreement; concord.
  • n. - Satisfaction or reparation made by giving an equivalent for an injury, or by doing of suffering that which will be received in satisfaction for an offense or injury; expiation; amends; -- with for. Specifically, in theology: The expiation of sin made by the obedience, personal suffering, and death of Christ.

Syllable Information

The word atonement is a 9 letter word that has 3 syllable 's . The syllable division for atonement is: a-tone-ment

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