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Ending with Auricular

Results: 18

Definition of auricular

  • a. - Of or pertaining to the ear, or to the sense of hearing; as, auricular nerves.
  • a. - Told in the ear, i. e., told privately; as, auricular confession to the priest.
  • a. - Recognized by the ear; known by the sense of hearing; as, auricular evidence.
  • a. - Received by the ear; known by report.
  • a. - Pertaining to the auricles of the heart.
  • a. - Of or pertaining to the ear, or to the sense of hearing; as, auricular nerves.
  • a. - Told in the ear, i. e., told privately; as, auricular confession to the priest.
  • a. - Recognized by the ear; known by the sense of hearing; as, auricular evidence.
  • a. - Received by the ear; known by report.
  • a. - Pertaining to the auricles of the heart.

Syllable Information

The word auricular is a 9 letter word that has 4 syllable 's . The syllable division for auricular is: au-ric-u-lar

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