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Ending with Austere

Results: 1

Definition of austere

  • - Sour and astringent; rough to the state; having acerbity; as, an austere crab apple; austere wine.
  • - Severe in modes of judging, or living, or acting; rigid; rigorous; stern; as, an austere man, look, life.
  • - Unadorned; unembellished; severely simple.
  • - Sour and astringent; rough to the state; having acerbity; as, an austere crab apple; austere wine.
  • - Severe in modes of judging, or living, or acting; rigid; rigorous; stern; as, an austere man, look, life.
  • - Unadorned; unembellished; severely simple.

Syllable Information

The word austere is a 7 letter word that has 2 syllable 's . The syllable division for austere is: aus-tere

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