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Ending with Babylonian

Results: 1

Definition of babylonian

  • a. - Of or pertaining to the real or to the mystical Babylon, or to the ancient kingdom of Babylonia; Chaldean.
  • n. - An inhabitant of Babylonia (which included Chaldea); a Chaldean.
  • n. - An astrologer; -- so called because the Chaldeans were remarkable for the study of astrology.
  • a. - Of or pertaining to the real or to the mystical Babylon, or to the ancient kingdom of Babylonia; Chaldean.
  • n. - An inhabitant of Babylonia (which included Chaldea); a Chaldean.
  • n. - An astrologer; -- so called because the Chaldeans were remarkable for the study of astrology.

Syllable Information

The word babylonian is a 10 letter word that has 5 syllable 's . The syllable division for babylonian is: bab-y-lo-ni-an

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