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Ending with Behindhand

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Definition of behindhand

  • adv. & a. - In arrears financially; in a state where expenditures have exceeded the receipt of funds.
  • adv. & a. - In a state of backwardness, in respect to what is seasonable or appropriate, or as to what should have been accomplished; not equally forward with some other person or thing; dilatory; backward; late; tardy; as, behindhand in studies or in work.
  • adv. & a. - In arrears financially; in a state where expenditures have exceeded the receipt of funds.
  • adv. & a. - In a state of backwardness, in respect to what is seasonable or appropriate, or as to what should have been accomplished; not equally forward with some other person or thing; dilatory; backward; late; tardy; as, behindhand in studies or in work.

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Syllable Information

The word behindhand is a 10 letter word that has 3 syllable 's . The syllable division for behindhand is: be-hind-hand

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