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Ending with Bout

Results: 31

Definition of bout

  • n. - As much of an action as is performed at one time; a going and returning, as of workmen in reaping, mowing, etc.; a turn; a round.
  • n. - A conflict; contest; attempt; trial; a set-to at anything; as, a fencing bout; a drinking bout.
  • n. - As much of an action as is performed at one time; a going and returning, as of workmen in reaping, mowing, etc.; a turn; a round.
  • n. - A conflict; contest; attempt; trial; a set-to at anything; as, a fencing bout; a drinking bout.

Syllable Information

The word bout is a 4 letter word that has 1 syllable . The syllable division for bout is: bout

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