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Ending with Buskin

Results: 2

Definition of buskin

  • n. - A strong, protecting covering for the foot, coming some distance up the leg.
  • n. - A similar covering for the foot and leg, made with very thick soles, to give an appearance of elevation to the stature; -- worn by tragic actors in ancient Greece and Rome. Used as a symbol of tragedy, or the tragic drama, as distinguished from comedy.
  • n. - A strong, protecting covering for the foot, coming some distance up the leg.
  • n. - A similar covering for the foot and leg, made with very thick soles, to give an appearance of elevation to the stature; -- worn by tragic actors in ancient Greece and Rome. Used as a symbol of tragedy, or the tragic drama, as distinguished from comedy.

Syllable Information

The word buskin is a 6 letter word that has 2 syllable 's . The syllable division for buskin is: bus-kin

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