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Ending with Cabaret

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Definition of cabaret

  • n. - A tavern; a house where liquors are retailed.
  • n. - a type of restaurant where liquor and dinner is served, and entertainment is provided, as by musicians, dancers, or comedians, and providing space for dancing by the patrons; -- similar to a nightclub. The term cabaret is often used in the names of such an establishment.
  • n. - the type of entertainment provided in a cabaret{2}.
  • n. - A tavern; a house where liquors are retailed.
  • n. - a type of restaurant where liquor and dinner is served, and entertainment is provided, as by musicians, dancers, or comedians, and providing space for dancing by the patrons; -- similar to a nightclub. The term cabaret is often used in the names of such an establishment.
  • n. - the type of entertainment provided in a cabaret{2}.

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Syllable Information

The word cabaret is a 7 letter word that has 3 syllable 's . The syllable division for cabaret is: cab-a-ret

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