Ending with Crimp
Results: 1
Definition of crimp
- v. t. - To fold or plait in regular undulation in such a way that
the material will retain the shape intended; to give a wavy appearance
to; as, to crimp the border of a cap; to crimp a ruffle. Cf. Crisp.
- v. t. - To pinch and hold; to seize.
- v. t. - to entrap into the military or naval service; as, to
crimp seamen.
- v. t. - To cause to contract, or to render more crisp, as the
flesh of a fish, by gashing it, when living, with a knife; as, to crimp
skate, etc.
- a. - Easily crumbled; friable; brittle.
- a. - Weak; inconsistent; contradictory.
- n. - A coal broker.
- n. - One who decoys or entraps men into the military or naval
- n. - A keeper of a low lodging house where sailors and emigrants
are entrapped and fleeced.
- n. - Hair which has been crimped; -- usually in pl.
- n. - A game at cards.
Syllable Information
The word crimp is a 5 letter word that has 1 syllable . The syllable division for crimp is: crimp