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Ending with Income

Results: 2

Definition of income

  • n. - A coming in; entrance; admittance; ingress; infusion.
  • n. - That which is caused to enter; inspiration; influence; hence, courage or zeal imparted.
  • n. - That gain which proceeds from labor, business, property, or capital of any kind, as the produce of a farm, the rent of houses, the proceeds of professional business, the profits of commerce or of occupation, or the interest of money or stock in funds, etc.; revenue; receipts; salary; especially, the annual receipts of a private person, or a corporation, from property; as, a large income.
  • n. - That which is taken into the body as food; the ingesta; -- sometimes restricted to the nutritive, or digestible, portion of the food. See Food. Opposed to output.

Syllable Information

The word income is a 6 letter word that has 2 syllable 's . The syllable division for income is: in-come

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