Anagram Generator

Ending with Muster

Results: 2

Definition of muster

  • v. t. - Something shown for imitation; a pattern.
  • v. t. - A show; a display.
  • v. t. - An assembling or review of troops, as for parade, verification of numbers, inspection, exercise, or introduction into service.
  • v. t. - The sum total of an army when assembled for review and inspection; the whole number of effective men in an army.
  • v. t. - Any assemblage or display; a gathering.
  • v. t. - To collect and display; to assemble, as troops for parade, inspection, exercise, or the like.
  • v. t. - Hence: To summon together; to enroll in service; to get together.
  • v. i. - To be gathered together for parade, inspection, exercise, or the like; to come together as parts of a force or body; as, his supporters mustered in force.

Syllable Information

The word muster is a 6 letter word that has 2 syllable 's . The syllable division for muster is: mus-ter

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