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Ending with Neck

Results: 32

Definition of neck

  • n. - The part of an animal which connects the head and the trunk, and which, in man and many other animals, is more slender than the trunk.
  • n. - Any part of an inanimate object corresponding to or resembling the neck of an animal
  • n. - The long slender part of a vessel, as a retort, or of a fruit, as a gourd.
  • n. - A long narrow tract of land projecting from the main body, or a narrow tract connecting two larger tracts.
  • n. - That part of a violin, guitar, or similar instrument, which extends from the head to the body, and on which is the finger board or fret board.
  • n. - A reduction in size near the end of an object, formed by a groove around it; as, a neck forming the journal of a shaft.
  • n. - the point where the base of the stem of a plant arises from the root.
  • v. t. - To reduce the diameter of (an object) near its end, by making a groove around it; -- used with down; as, to neck down a shaft.
  • v. t. & i. - To kiss and caress amorously.

Syllable Information

The word neck is a 4 letter word that has 1 syllable . The syllable division for neck is: neck

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