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Ending with Provincial

Results: 8

Definition of provincial

  • a. - Of or pertaining to province; constituting a province; as, a provincial government; a provincial dialect.
  • a. - Exhibiting the ways or manners of a province; characteristic of the inhabitants of a province; not cosmopolitan; countrified; not polished; rude; hence, narrow; illiberal.
  • a. - Of or pertaining to an ecclesiastical province, or to the jurisdiction of an archbishop; not ecumenical; as, a provincial synod.
  • a. - Of or pertaining to Provence; Provencal.
  • n. - A person belonging to a province; one who is provincial.
  • n. - A monastic superior, who, under the general of his order, has the direction of all the religious houses of the same fraternity in a given district, called a province of the order.

Syllable Information

The word provincial is a 10 letter word that has 3 syllable 's . The syllable division for provincial is: pro-vin-cial

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