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Ending with Ripple

Results: 7

Definition of ripple

  • v. - An implement, with teeth like those of a comb, for removing the seeds and seed vessels from flax, broom corn, etc.
  • v. t. - To remove the seeds from (the stalks of flax, etc.), by means of a ripple.
  • v. t. - Hence, to scratch or tear.
  • v. i. - To become fretted or dimpled on the surface, as water when agitated or running over a rough bottom; to be covered with small waves or undulations, as a field of grain.
  • v. i. - To make a sound as of water running gently over a rough bottom, or the breaking of ripples on the shore.
  • v. t. - To fret or dimple, as the surface of running water; to cover with small waves or undulations; as, the breeze rippled the lake.
  • n. - The fretting or dimpling of the surface, as of running water; little curling waves.
  • n. - A little wave or undulation; a sound such as is made by little waves; as, a ripple of laughter.
  • n. - a small wave on the surface of water or other liquids for which the driving force is not gravity, but surface tension.
  • n. - the residual AC component in the DC current output from a rectifier, expressed as a percentage of the steady component of the current.

Syllable Information

The word ripple is a 6 letter word that has 2 syllable 's . The syllable division for ripple is: rip-ple

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