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Ending with Seminary

Results: 2

Definition of seminary

  • n. - A piece of ground where seed is sown for producing plants for transplantation; a nursery; a seed plat.
  • n. - Hence, the place or original stock whence anything is brought or produced.
  • n. - A place of education, as a scool of a high grade, an academy, college, or university.
  • n. - Seminal state.
  • n. - Fig.: A seed bed; a source.
  • n. - A Roman Catholic priest educated in a foreign seminary; a seminarist.
  • a. - Belonging to seed; seminal.

Syllable Information

The word seminary is a 8 letter word that has 4 syllable 's . The syllable division for seminary is: sem-i-nar-y

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