Anagram Generator

Ending with Undo

Results: 9

Definition of undo

  • v. t. - To reverse, as what has been done; to annul; to bring to naught.
  • v. t. - To loose; to open; to take to piece; to unfasten; to untie; hence, to unravel; to solve; as, to undo a knot; to undo a puzzling question; to undo a riddle.
  • v. t. - To bring to poverty; to impoverish; to ruin, as in reputation, morals, hopes, or the like; as, many are undone by unavoidable losses, but more undo themselves by vices and dissipation, or by indolence.

Syllable Information

The word undo is a 4 letter word that has 2 syllable 's . The syllable division for undo is: un-do

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