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Starting With Arming

Results: 2

Definition of arming

  • p. pr. & vb. n. - of Arm
  • n. - The act of furnishing with, or taking, arms.
  • n. - A piece of tallow placed in a cavity at the lower end of a sounding lead, to bring up the sand, shells, etc., of the sea bottom.
  • n. - Red dress cloths formerly hung fore and aft outside of a ship's upper works on holidays.
  • p. pr. & vb. n. - of Arm
  • n. - The act of furnishing with, or taking, arms.
  • n. - A piece of tallow placed in a cavity at the lower end of a sounding lead, to bring up the sand, shells, etc., of the sea bottom.
  • n. - Red dress cloths formerly hung fore and aft outside of a ship's upper works on holidays.

Syllable Information

The word arming is a 6 letter word that has 2 syllable 's . The syllable division for arming is: arm-ing

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