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Starting With Barricade

Results: 4

Definition of barricade

  • n. - A fortification, made in haste, of trees, earth, palisades, wagons, or anything that will obstruct the progress or attack of an enemy. It is usually an obstruction formed in streets to block an enemy's access.
  • n. - Any bar, obstruction, or means of defense.
  • n. - To fortify or close with a barricade or with barricades; to stop up, as a passage; to obstruct; as, the workmen barricaded the streets of Paris.
  • n. - A fortification, made in haste, of trees, earth, palisades, wagons, or anything that will obstruct the progress or attack of an enemy. It is usually an obstruction formed in streets to block an enemy's access.
  • n. - Any bar, obstruction, or means of defense.
  • n. - To fortify or close with a barricade or with barricades; to stop up, as a passage; to obstruct; as, the workmen barricaded the streets of Paris.

Syllable Information

The word barricade is a 9 letter word that has 3 syllable 's . The syllable division for barricade is: bar-ri-cade

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