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Starting With Beyond

Results: 2

Definition of beyond

  • prep. - On the further side of; in the same direction as, and further on or away than.
  • prep. - At a place or time not yet reached; before.
  • prep. - Past, out of the reach or sphere of; further than; greater than; as, the patient was beyond medical aid; beyond one's strength.
  • prep. - In a degree or amount exceeding or surpassing; proceeding to a greater degree than; above, as in dignity, excellence, or quality of any kind.
  • adv. - Further away; at a distance; yonder.
  • prep. - On the further side of; in the same direction as, and further on or away than.
  • prep. - At a place or time not yet reached; before.
  • prep. - Past, out of the reach or sphere of; further than; greater than; as, the patient was beyond medical aid; beyond one's strength.
  • prep. - In a degree or amount exceeding or surpassing; proceeding to a greater degree than; above, as in dignity, excellence, or quality of any kind.
  • adv. - Further away; at a distance; yonder.

Syllable Information

The word beyond is a 6 letter word that has 2 syllable 's . The syllable division for beyond is: be-yond

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