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Starting With Bristle

Results: 11

Definition of bristle

  • n. - A short, stiff, coarse hair, as on the back of swine.
  • n. - A stiff, sharp, roundish hair.
  • v. t. - To erect the bristles of; to cause to stand up, as the bristles of an angry hog; -- sometimes with up.
  • v. t. - To fix a bristle to; as, to bristle a thread.
  • v. i. - To rise or stand erect, like bristles.
  • v. i. - To appear as if covered with bristles; to have standing, thick and erect, like bristles.
  • v. i. - To show defiance or indignation.
  • n. - A short, stiff, coarse hair, as on the back of swine.
  • n. - A stiff, sharp, roundish hair.
  • v. t. - To erect the bristles of; to cause to stand up, as the bristles of an angry hog; -- sometimes with up.
  • v. t. - To fix a bristle to; as, to bristle a thread.
  • v. i. - To rise or stand erect, like bristles.
  • v. i. - To appear as if covered with bristles; to have standing, thick and erect, like bristles.
  • v. i. - To show defiance or indignation.

Syllable Information

The word bristle is a 7 letter word that has 2 syllable 's . The syllable division for bristle is: bris-tle

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