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Starting With Bucket

Results: 14

Definition of bucket

  • n. - A vessel for drawing up water from a well, or for catching, holding, or carrying water, sap, or other liquids.
  • n. - A vessel (as a tub or scoop) for hoisting and conveying coal, ore, grain, etc.
  • n. - One of the receptacles on the rim of a water wheel into which the water rushes, causing the wheel to revolve; also, a float of a paddle wheel.
  • n. - The valved piston of a lifting pump.
  • n. - A vessel for drawing up water from a well, or for catching, holding, or carrying water, sap, or other liquids.
  • n. - A vessel (as a tub or scoop) for hoisting and conveying coal, ore, grain, etc.
  • n. - One of the receptacles on the rim of a water wheel into which the water rushes, causing the wheel to revolve; also, a float of a paddle wheel.
  • n. - The valved piston of a lifting pump.

Syllable Information

The word bucket is a 6 letter word that has 2 syllable 's . The syllable division for bucket is: buck-et

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