Starting With Clout
Results: 9
Definition of clout
- n. - A cloth; a piece of cloth or leather; a patch; a rag.
- n. - A swadding cloth.
- n. - A piece; a fragment.
- n. - The center of the butt at which archers shoot; -- probably
once a piece of white cloth or a nail head.
- n. - An iron plate on an axletree or other wood to keep it from
wearing; a washer.
- n. - A blow with the hand.
- n. - To cover with cloth, leather, or other material; to bandage;
patch, or mend, with a clout.
- n. - To join or patch clumsily.
- n. - To quard with an iron plate, as an axletree.
- n. - To give a blow to; to strike.
- n. - To stud with nails, as a timber, or a boot sole.
Syllable Information
The word clout is a 5 letter word that has 1 syllable . The syllable division for clout is: clout