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Starting With Creeper

Results: 3

Definition of creeper

  • n. - One who, or that which, creeps; any creeping thing.
  • n. - A plant that clings by rootlets, or by tendrils, to the ground, or to trees, etc.; as, the Virginia creeper (Ampelopsis quinquefolia).
  • n. - A small bird of the genus Certhia, allied to the wrens. The brown or common European creeper is C. familiaris, a variety of which (var. Americana) inhabits America; -- called also tree creeper and creeptree. The American black and white creeper is Mniotilta varia.
  • n. - A kind of patten mounted on short pieces of iron instead of rings; also, a fixture with iron points worn on a shoe to prevent one from slipping.
  • n. - A spurlike device strapped to the boot, which enables one to climb a tree or pole; -- called often telegraph creepers.
  • n. - A small, low iron, or dog, between the andirons.
  • n. - An instrument with iron hooks or claws for dragging at the bottom of a well, or any other body of water, and bringing up what may lie there.
  • n. - Any device for causing material to move steadily from one part of a machine to another, as an apron in a carding machine, or an inner spiral in a grain screen.
  • n. - Crockets. See Crocket.

Syllable Information

The word creeper is a 7 letter word that has 2 syllable 's . The syllable division for creeper is: creep-er

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