Starting With Fume
Results: 15
Definition of fume
- n. - Exhalation; volatile matter (esp. noxious vapor or smoke)
ascending in a dense body; smoke; vapor; reek; as, the fumes of
- n. - Rage or excitement which deprives the mind of self-control;
as, the fumes of passion.
- n. - Anything vaporlike, unsubstantial, or airy; idle conceit;
vain imagination.
- n. - The incense of praise; inordinate flattery.
- n. - To smoke; to throw off fumes, as in combustion or chemical
action; to rise up, as vapor.
- n. - To be as in a mist; to be dulled and stupefied.
- n. - To pass off in fumes or vapors.
- n. - To be in a rage; to be hot with anger.
- v. t. - To expose to the action of fumes; to treat with vapors,
smoke, etc.; as, to bleach straw by fuming it with sulphur; to fill
with fumes, vapors, odors, etc., as a room.
- v. t. - To praise inordinately; to flatter.
- v. t. - To throw off in vapor, or as in the form of vapor.
Syllable Information
The word fume is a 4 letter word that has 1 syllable . The syllable division for fume is: fume