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Starting With Housing

Results: 1

Definition of housing

  • p. pr. & vb. n. - of House
  • n. - The act of putting or receiving under shelter; the state of dwelling in a habitation.
  • n. - That which shelters or covers; houses, taken collectively.
  • n. - The space taken out of one solid, to admit the insertion of part of another, as the end of one timber in the side of another.
  • n. - A niche for a statue.
  • n. - A frame or support for holding something in place, as journal boxes, etc.
  • n. - That portion of a mast or bowsprit which is beneath the deck or within the vessel.
  • n. - A covering or protection, as an awning over the deck of a ship when laid up.
  • n. - A houseline. See Houseline.
  • n. - A cover or cloth for a horse's saddle, as an ornamental or military appendage; a saddlecloth; a horse cloth; in plural, trappings.
  • n. - An appendage to the hames or collar of a harness.

Syllable Information

The word housing is a 7 letter word that has 2 syllable 's . The syllable division for housing is: hous-ing

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