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Starting With Impure

Results: 2

Definition of impure

  • a. - Not pure; not clean; dirty; foul; filthy; containing something which is unclean or unwholesome; mixed or impregnated extraneous substances; adulterated; as, impure water or air; impure drugs, food, etc.
  • a. - Defiled by sin or guilt; unholy; unhallowed; -- said of persons or things.
  • a. - Unchaste; lewd; unclean; obscene; as, impure language or ideas.
  • a. - Not purified according to the ceremonial law of Moses; unclean.
  • a. - Not accurate; not idiomatic; as, impure Latin; an impure style.
  • v. t. - To defile; to pollute.

Syllable Information

The word impure is a 6 letter word that has 2 syllable 's . The syllable division for impure is: im-pure

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