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Starting With Morris

Results: 9

Definition of morris

  • n. - A Moorish dance, usually performed by a single dancer, who accompanies the dance with castanets.
  • n. - A dance formerly common in England, often performed in pagenats, processions, and May games. The dancers, grotesquely dressed and ornamented, took the parts of Robin Hood, Maidmarian, and other fictious characters.
  • n. - An old game played with counters, or men, which are placed angles of a figure drawn on a board or on the ground; also, the board or ground on which the game is played.
  • n. - A marine fish having a very slender, flat, transparent body. It is now generally believed to be the young of the conger eel or some allied fish.

Syllable Information

The word morris is a 6 letter word that has 2 syllable 's . The syllable division for morris is: mor-ris

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