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Starting With Slush

Results: 10

Definition of slush

  • n. - Soft mud.
  • n. - A mixture of snow and water; half-melted snow.
  • n. - A soft mixture of grease and other materials, used for lubrication.
  • n. - The refuse grease and fat collected in cooking, especially on shipboard.
  • n. - A mixture of white lead and lime, with which the bright parts of machines, such as the connecting rods of steamboats, are painted to be preserved from oxidation.
  • v. t. - To smear with slush or grease; as, to slush a mast.
  • v. t. - To paint with a mixture of white lead and lime.

Syllable Information

The word slush is a 5 letter word that has 1 syllable . The syllable division for slush is: slush

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