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Starting With Vacancy

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Definition of vacancy

  • n. - The quality or state of being vacant; emptiness; hence, freedom from employment; intermission; leisure; idleness; listlessness.
  • n. - That which is vacant.
  • n. - Empty space; vacuity; vacuum.
  • n. - An open or unoccupied space between bodies or things; an interruption of continuity; chasm; gap; as, a vacancy between buildings; a vacancy between sentences or thoughts.
  • n. - Unemployed time; interval of leisure; time of intermission; vacation.
  • n. - A place or post unfilled; an unoccupied office; as, a vacancy in the senate, in a school, etc.

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Syllable Information

The word vacancy is a 7 letter word that has 3 syllable 's . The syllable division for vacancy is: va-can-cy

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